Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What an adventure!

In the documentary 180 degrees South, Ivan Chouinard said that he thought people overused the term adventure.  At the time, I agreed with him.  An adventure should take one to the brink or edge of human possibility.  Now, however, I'm of a different mind.  Adventure is something that I think is accessible to all people and in many different ways.  You don't have to go to Timbuktu to find adventure or jump off the tallest buildings.  I think adventure lies to the side of the path you currently take.  All you have to do is veer off your routine to find adventure and the joy of discovery that adventure gives you is, and most likely will be, attained.  That said, having a child is an adventure!

We are having a grand adventure here in Chile.  We are learning to think in a more Chilean fashion.  For example, I wanted to get my paraglider from Iquique to Santiago in one day (a very gringo thought).  I asked all the bus companies and shipping companies if this was possible and I was stonewalled (not possible).  Then I realized that I wasn't thinking like a Chileno.  I went to one of the bus companies again and explained my reason for needing to send my paraglider by bus... I have a baby that can't go on the bus with me etc...  I was immediately given a ticket for the bus and my glider was on its way.  I had to think Chileno before I could access the obvious.  The nuances of life here are very different than the US.  It's not better or worse, it's simply different, and that is where the adventure begins.  Finding out how to do things and to operate within a different system takes us in funny circles, sometimes around the whole city once or twice.

On a personal note, the family is doing great.  We arrived in Pichilemu on Monday afternoon after a few days in Santiago.  We will be here for the next 2 months or so, which is exciting.  We want to sink our roots in and give Jaden some stability for a while.  We are staying in a Cabana on the hill with the most amazing view of the ocean.  We live next to the owners of the Cabanas Buena Vista.  They have two children with which Jaden can play.  I'm working construction within eye and ear shot of the house.  It's literally a perfect setup.

I'm going surfing tomorrow and from my living room window it looks like it's going to be big.  Kate starts Spanish classes next week and Jaden is going to have his first babysitter for a long time (since Dia  and the Grandmothers).  We are excited to give Jaden some more exposure to Spanish.  He is so amazing.  He learns new words everyday.  Unfortunately one of those words is "no," but that's okay I suppose.  He's starting to let us know what he likes and doesn't like.  It's simply amazing watching him grow up so quickly.  If you'd like to take a look, check out the youtube videos found here:

Having fun in Iquique!  Flew over the city countless times!

One of Jaden's new tricks! Funny boy!

Jaden loved playing with the fountains in Iquique!

I love chocolate!

More flying

Jaden checking out one of the wonderfully busy parks in Santiago.
We had a great hike in the city.
Another great view of Santiago!

Our new place in Pichilemu. Jaden's chillin on our deck.

Our front yard, with the construction job behind the palm tree.  We ripped down that shed today.

Spring flowers are going crazy everywhere!  Jaden calls them "caca."

Back to work.

What a looker!

Just having some fun on the beach.

The seafood is delicious here.  Argentina is famous for their beef.  Chile is famous for their seafood.  Mmmm!!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! Jaden is soooo cute!:) Looks like you're having tons of fun! You and your family look so happy! I wish I could have a summer break for a year!

  2. Hey Guys I miss you guys so much and my little Jaden! My birthday is this Friday and my bat Mitzvah is in TWO WEEKS! I am so nervous! Hope the best to you all! Love you guys Love Dia

  3. Hey Guys seafood looks really good. Glad you're having fun! Jaden defiantly is growing fast! looks like tuns of fun! Miss all of you. Thanks for the update!

  4. Jaden is soooooooooo cute. We should take a field trip there. Miss ya

  5. I love reading about all your adventures in Chile. All of what you are doing seems like a dream life because of all the different places, different foods, and all the adventures
