Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A wish for carpet!

It turns out that carpet, the soft, comforting, warmth that we tread over daily, is a luxury that I never thought I´d miss.  Well I miss it.  My baby misses it and my wife definitely wants it too.  We´ve realized that carpet provided us insulation and warmth, not only for our feet, but for the whole house.  The tile and wood floors we are currently living on our cold, no...freezing!  When a civilization lives their daily lives on dirt road, carpet makes no sense.  It would become too dirty too quickly.  Therefore it isn´t around.  It´s a luxury that I´ve taken for granted all of my life.  So, if you´re reading this on a carpeted floor, rub those warm feet on it and realize you could have freezing cold feet like mine are now.

Despite the cold feet and nights, Kate, Jaden and I are having a great time.  We´ve found ourselves in Pichilemu, in the south of CHile.  Pichilemu is home to PUnta de Lobos ...one of the most famous waves of South America.  Think Rincon but a left with bigger and more powerful waves.  The only downfall is the freezing cold water.  Santa Barbara doesn´t get this cold in the dead of winter.  I´ve started to get use to the numb hands and feet though.

We´ve made our first contacts in town and I think I might even have a job offer on the table.  We´re as of yet not sure we are going to stay here.  After all, I carried my paraglider all the way down here, not my surfboard.  But, it´s hard to walk away from this surf.  Especially when the line up is empty.

I discovered that traveling with a family is a very intimate way in which to travel.  We are living more like the locals then I ever did when I travelled on my own.  We rely on the local population, we need to be more rigid with our schedules (due to the baby) and I believe we are received by the locals with very open arms.   I´m really excited by the prospects of traveling with my family.  I believe new doors, previously unknown to me are opening due to the little boy we carry with us.  It´s pretty exciting.

That´s all for now, Jaden´s waking from his midday nap and it´s time to go explore.  Love to all, roll around on the carpet for me...

I´ll be sure to upload photos on the next post.


  1. Wow I never thought of carpet as special thing! I hope to see you soon love Dia

  2. Hey you guys!! Yesterday we all got back from PALI!! It was soo super fun! You would've LOOVEDD it Mr. Barker!! It was way pretty:) I had a great experience there and soo miss it! I'll be sure to show you pictures when you get back!! Hope you stay warm:)

  3. Hey guys!! I got some pictures of PALI so I can email them to you guys. Can one of you guys email me and then I will have your email address so that I can email them to you. My email address is Beth2000@cox.net. Please email me!! Wow that carpet most be very special! : )
