Friday, January 13, 2012


Basking in family at the height of the holidays is something we’ve been very happy to do.  Though Christmas was different in our little cabana it was full of holiday cheer.  

Of course Kate always makes the little efforts that make the most difference!

Then my parents flew and drove over 4 thousand miles and 30 plus hours to visit us.  We were stoked to see them.  You never know just how important family is, until you aren’t able to see them or call them whenever you want.  

We had a great time with our family, sharing Jaden, exploring and sitting around the beach and cabana talking and laughing.

Of course, with visitors, Kate and I were able to get away a bit to do some of our own exploring.  

We climbed Volcan Villa Rica.  It was amazing to climb a volcano that was smoking, occasionally shedding rocks and making the most incredible rumbles.  

From the summit, we could see at least 4 other volcanoes, one of which was spewing endless amounts of ash into the sky.  Mother Earth is so powerful. 

I also went white water kayaking, a first!  A cross between surfing, skiing, and flying, kayaking is such a fun sport. I can’t wait to get back out there to do it again.  (sorry no picts)!

It was great spending the time with my family.  

We’ll have a few more days my Mom, then we have a few weeks to ourselves and then our luck is up again.  The Aldworths (Kate’s parents) are coming to visit.  When Kate finishes her job here in Pucon, we’re picking up and heading south again, this time into the reaches of Patagonia.  We are very excited by the prospect of more travel and adventure.  We might even find some more work.

Anyway, we love our families and are enjoying our time with them.  It’s been hard to do anything else, like update this blog. 

Here are some more photos that I thought I’d share too.

We've been to a handful of waterfalls that look just like this!  They are cold but absolutely refreshing to swim in.

We went to get honey from our local bee guy!  It was definitely organic.

Jaden loved his wrapping paper....the presents not so much.

His first finger painting experience.  

It's been really hot here.  Hose and sprinkler time is important.

The little details make it so much fun.

This water is actually warm, that's why my mom's swimming in it.  The water is snow melt, but runs through really shallow black, volcanic rock.  On the occasion that it pools, we jump right in and enjoy.  

These puppies were born under the cabana that my parents were staying in.  After several nights of living under there, the cabana owner and I pulled them out.  My parents slept a little bit better that night.

Jaden loves his Grandma "Kiko!"


  1. Miss and love you. Great photos! Awesome on the volcano! Love that mom did it too!

  2. That looks soooo fun! Yesterday we ran into people from Chile and it made me think of you guys!! I always have to say something about him...Jaden is getting cuter everyday!:)

  3. Happy late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looks like your having so much fun! Wish I was there! :) Jaden is so cute! I like the two thousand twelve glasses.

    1. I also really liked the glasses...and your hat thing. :)

  4. Always loving to see you all so happy and really LIVING life to its fill. Volcanoes and puppies? Rad. Always glance over to 15 and see it dark...weird. Have heard whispers of your possibilities come June. Excited to see where life takes y'all next! -AL

  5. Tim, Hi... sorry I've been so quiet...much time traveling, including Reno Mammoth, Bishop, and Death Valley. LOVE reading your comments, sorry about all the breakdowns. You are right about time...and it cannot be bought. Continue to do what you guys do abundantly. Margie
