Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We've had quite a journey since I last touched base with those of you that read my blog.  It's been about a month since I've last posted.  That's mainly due to the lack of access to internet.  We are way down in the south of Chile now.  There is internet access here and it can be quite fast.  But, to save a buck or two, we always seem to find ourselves out in the middle of nowhere, far from television, let alone the internet.  But, alas, we've found a solid connection and I'm ready to update you on our trip. 

Within the last month, we also had our camera fail.  So, we resorted to using my helmet cam for paragliding.  We got a new camera, ordered through Amazon and delivered to us by Kate's family.  We are happy to be of the digital age once again.

We enjoyed the last weeks in Pucon.  Kate taught her English class of 6 students 4 - 8 years old and I took care of Jaden.  We spent a lot of time at the beach with several local Chilean families that took us under their wing.  We were invited and attended 2 birthday parties and 2 barbecues.  We continued exploring, swimming, and picked many fresh berries to eat.  It was a great time and we enjoyed all the people we met.  

It was a sad, yet exciting moment for us to pull out of Pucon and see Villarrica one last time before the next leg of our journey.

We arrived safely at our new destination about 4 hours south on a lake called Yanquihue.  This lake is huge (bigger than Lake Tahoe)!  

 and it also is located at the base of a beautiful glacier capped volcano.

This was the view from our window.  We arrived and didn't have to wait long before Kate's parents arrived.  I picked them up in Puerto Montt and quickly whisked them home so they could spend quality time with Jaden.

After a day of rest, we hit the beach.  This lake is got to be in the 50s....Cold.  I'm glad I had my wetsuit.

We picked berries, 

ate them,

and generally made a huge mess!

After that we hit the road in the old Carma mobile to explore.  The national parks in Chile amaze me.  This country is rich in natural beauty.

We even saw some wildlife....a wild fox, called a Zorro!

We went into the port city and found the biggest fish and produce market that I've seen.  It was very impressive.

After all the activity during the day, we always end our day with delicious food.

Kate's homemade pizza dough,

or a barbecue (asado) cooked over Carbon or Lena,

and wonderfully delicious meals out.

mmmmmmmmmm!  But, I think one of those muscles might be the cause of my recent digestive problems.  Oh well, it was delicious.  

We are currently in Chiloe a large island that is across the bay from Patagonia.  It is absolutely beautiful here.  We are staying in one of the white paces below.  They are called palafitos and the ocean water actually comes up under the houses during high tide.

It's given us a great place to leave from to go kayaking.  This morning Kate's dad found himself paddling with 4 dolphin!  It's a marvelous place.

We're off for more!  Enjoy the end your winter.  We are definitely enjoying the summer down here.